
1. 簡介

1.1 我們istyle Inc.(下稱「istyle」)及istyle的母公司、附屬公司和iSRHK內的隸屬公司(統稱「隸屬公司」)對於你的個人資料和私隱非常重視。我們知道你的個人資料是何等重要。我們致力遵守所有適用於保障資料的法律及規則,以保護個人資料。

1.2 本私隱聲明適用於由istyle及istyle指定實體所提供的@cosme及@Cosme 相關連服務(通稱「服務」)之使用者(以下“本服務”),@cosme 會員計畫(以下「@cosme 會員計畫」)之會員,以及由我們以各種方法收集、使用及保存其個人資料的其他人士。

1.3 如閣下透過本服務於網上進入或使用服務,即代表閣下接受本私隱聲明的條款。如閣下不想受本私隱聲明的條款所約束,請不要使用網頁所提供的任何服務並請立即離開本服務。

1.4 本私隱聲明的條款可能會因應我們認為有必要而被不時修正,更新,修訂,改變及修改,最新的版本將於本服務內展示。 istyle保留權利可隨時單方面更改或改動本服務的內容或更改本私隱聲明而不另作通知(但因應法律規定而須閣下同意之條款除外) 。任何在本條款中提及的「我們」和「我們的」 均是指istyle及我們的隸屬公司而任何在本條款中提及的「閣下」,「你」,「你的」,「你們」和「你們的」均是指@cosme 會員計畫及我們的隸屬公司之貴客及會員。請仔細閱讀本私隱聲明,以了解我們將如何處理您的個人資料。

1.5 我們需要閣下所提供的個人資料以便我們能向作為顧客的你提供服務及供運作 @cosme會員計畫,其他istyle 不時會為會員提供任何的其他計畫或優惠或於與我們的合作伙伴合辦之推廣等之用。 如你沒能向我們提供個人資料,istyle可能無法向閣下提供我們的產品及服務(包括登記閣下成為會員)。

1.6 一經向我們提供你的個人資料,即表示你接受本私隱聲明的條款,並同意我們依照本私隱聲明的規定收集、保留、披露和使用你的個人資料,包括如本私隱聲明指定般轉移你的個人資料到海外。我們只會在嚴格依照本私隱聲明第5段的規定下使用和轉移你的資料作直接促銷用途。

2. 本私隱聲明之語言



3.1 為了能使閣下享受我們不同種類的產品及服務(包括登記註冊成為服務之會員),登記參加我們的任何活動,參與我們的互動式服務,或以任何方式與我們聯絡),你是需要於收集之際向我們提供指定的個人資料。 我們亦可能向閣下索取其他資料如當我們認為其能幫助我們向你提供閣下會感興趣之特定產品及服務。我們可能向你收集的個人資料包括:
(i) 閣下之姓名;
(ii) 閣下之電話號碼;
(iii) 閣下之地址;
(iv) 閣下之密碼;
(v) 閣下之出生日期;
(vi) 閣下之電郵地址;
(vii) 有關閣下以往接受美容療程的記錄及歷史(包括指導及諮詢)及其他與閣下皮膚狀況相關的資料;及
(viii) 有關閣下之istyle會員積分資料。

3.2 我們會收集哪些於第3.1段所提及之個人資料的類型將取決於閣下與我們之間的交易性質。我們可能於以下情況收集你的個人資料:
(i) 登記會員時;
(ii) 登記任何銷售,宣傳或推廣活動或優惠時;
(iii) 向我們訂購產品或服務或使用我們提供的產品或服務時;
(iv) 與我們通信時;或
(v) 使用屬於我們社交平台(例如Facebook)或在合辦之推廣活動或項目中其他由我們隸屬公司或合作伙伴營運之本服務時。

3.3 閣下同意是按自己意願向istyle 提供你的個人資料。 如閣下未滿18歲,於向我們提供任何你的個人資料前,請事先取得家長或監護人的同意。

4. 個人資料之使用

4.1 閣下同意istyle 可以收集,保存及使用所有提供給istyle的個人資料(包括所有與istyle會員卡之使用的有關資料(如你是會員時))作下列用途:
(i) 處理閣下的會員申請;
(ii) 會員管理系統,或其他任何由我們單獨舉辦或與我們的隸屬公司或伙伴合辦的銷售,宣傳,推廣之活動或項目的管理,運作及維修保養;
(iii) 核實閣下身份;
(iv) 核實閣下是否符合資格加入istyle 會員計畫成為會員或能否參與任何由我們舉辦的銷售,宣傳,推廣活動或項目;
(v) 向閣下所提供的服務之日常運作,包括向你發出銷售,宣傳及推廣物品;
(vi) 由istyle 向閣下發放信息及提供資訊;
(vii) 於我們任何銷售,宣傳及推廣活動或項目中向閣下提供獎賞,生日推廣,贈券或服務,包括向你發出相關的銷售,宣傳及推廣物品;
(viii) 與我們的隸屬公司或伙伴合辦銷售,宣傳及推廣項目,包括向你發出相關的銷售,宣傳及推廣物品;
(ix) 向閣下提供客戶服務和回應你的詢問,回饋及申索;
(x) 進行持續市場研究或統計分析以便能改善我們的產品及服務及作銷售,宣傳及推廣用途;
(xi) 促使向閣下作出優惠;
(xii) 向閣下提供我們@cosme 會員計畫中的識辨方法;
(xiii) 按法律要求作出相應披露; 及
(xiv) 遵守本私隱聲明及其他相關法律。

4.2 閣下亦認知,同意及授權我們可把你提供的個人資料保留及存取於istyle之處所, 於istyle一個或多個數據庫內,不論是實物複印本或電子形式,並將你的個人資料提供,披露及傳送(不論是香港或境外)予以下人士以實現或執行第4.1段所列出的目的及用途;
(i) 向iSRHK 提供行政,電訊,資訊科技系統,付款,印刷或其他與istyle業務運作有關(包括向閣下提供產品及服務)的第三方供應者(包括於合辦推廣活動或項目中我們的伙伴)及其代理及承辦商;
(ii) 任何獲授權處理提供@cosme會員計畫有關的會員服務的員工或部門,不論該員工或部門是屬於istyle 或其隸屬公司 ;
(iii) 根據適用法律,行政政策或規則要求istyle 必須向其作出披露之任何人士,包括但不限於我們的專業顧問,執法機構,保險公司,政府及監管機構。

5. 宣傳物品

如上述所提到,istyle 有意使用閣下的姓名,聯絡資料及出生月份及年份以向你發送有關屬於istyle,我們的隸屬公司或我們的伙伴間於合辦推廣活動或項目之有關產品及服務的銷售,宣傳及推廣物品, 包括超市商品,電器商品,美容院,健康護理產品,時裝,首飾, 服裝,皮具商品,鞋物,手錶,珠寶,健康護理,髮型,美容及化妝,食物及飲品,娛樂,交通,旅遊及酒店,購物商場,信用卡,通信,銀行,健身中心,書籍和個人護理。 在任何情況下,我們絕不會使用你的個人資料作直接促銷除非我們取得你的同意。istyle必須事前取得閣下同意才會進行有關用途。你可透過以下方法隨時選擇拒絕接收相關通信或退出接收相關通信:
(i) 在申請成為會員時於申請表格剔上適合方格;
(ii) 成為會員後,如有任何意願轉變時請跟從申請表內的指示 ;
(iii) 根據以下郵遞或電郵方法向我們發出退出信息:

郵寄地址: 台北市中正區南昌路二段81號3樓

電郵地址: support@cosme-hk.zendesk.com
(iv) 致電我們的熱線:3468 3072

6. 個人資料之安全性

6.1 我們將盡一切合理的努力確保我們持有的所有個人資料均被儲存於穩妥及安全的地方,同時只有我們的獲授權員工或獲授權第三者服務上或伙伴才能查閱。
6.2 istyle 將使用不同的安全技術及程序保護任何個人資料免受任何未經授權的查閱,使用或披露。istyle 將採取所有必要可行的措施確保任何個人資料不會受到任何第三者的非法截取侵入。可是,閣下必須知道沒有一種系統是不能被侵入並且沒有一種資料於互聯網或其他通信網絡上傳遞時能保證完全穩妥。因此,我們不能保證閣下於網上或其他通信網絡傳遞的資料或我們於網上或其他通信網絡所取得的資料的安全性。

7. Cookies之使用

7.1 當閣下瀏覽由istyle營運的本服務時,我們可能使用cookies 及類似的技術收集閣下的個人資料。Cookies是在閣下的硬碟驅動器或瀏覽器上儲存信息的檔案,意味著我們可以識辨你曾登入瀏覽該等本服務。

7.2 閣下可以調整瀏覽器的設定從而拒絕接受 Cookies 但亦可能因此而無法使用或瀏覽該等本服務之全部內容和功能。

8. 第三者網站之登入

為了享受由我們或我們伙伴於合辦推廣活動或項目中提供的產品及服務,閣下有可能不時需要登入第三者之網站。istyle不對此等網頁的內容或資料獲取的做法負責。此等網站的私隱政策可能與istyle的政策不一樣。 建議閣下在向其提供資料前仔細閱讀並瞭解其私隱處理做法。


9.1 閣下有權隨時對我們對你所持的個人資料要求查閱,複印副本,要求更正,或要求我們停止收集,處理和使用你的個人資料,或要求我們刪除對你所持有的個人資料。

9.2 如閣下對本私隱聲明有任何疑問或你希望行使第9.1段的任何權利時,你可透過以下聯絡方法以郵遞或電郵形式作出要求:

郵寄地址: 台北市中正區南昌路二段81號3樓

電郵地址: support@cosme-hk.zendesk.com

除了上述郵寄及電郵方法外,你亦可致電我們的熱線3468 3072

9.3 在相關法律許可的情況下,我們保留向閣下收取合理的費用以遵從閣下的查閱要求。

istyle Inc.
Released on September 26th, 2019

Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement
(the “Privacy Statement”)

1. Introduction

1.1 istyle Inc.(“istyle”) and our subsidiary and/or affiliated companies within the istyle group of companies (the “Affiliates”) value your personal data and privacy with a high regard. We recognize the importance of your privacy.
We are committed to complying with the requirements of all applicable data protection laws and regulations in relation to personal data protection.

1.2 This Privacy Statement is applicable to users of @cosme and @cosme related Services (collectively the “Service”) for services provided by istyle Inc. and by entities designated by istyle (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”), members of the @cosme membership program (the “@cosme Membership Program”) as well as any other persons that their personal data is collected, by whatever means, used and held by us.

1.3 If you are accessing or utilizing the Services online through Service, it means that you have accepted the terms of this Privacy Statement. If you do not want to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Statement, please do not use any services provided by the Service and leave the Service immediately.

1.4 The terms of this Privacy Statement may be revised, updated, varied, modified and amended from time to time as istyle deems fit and necessary and the most updated version will be available on the Service.
istyle reserves the right to unilaterally change or modify the contents of the Service or to unilaterally change this Privacy Statement at any time except for those terms where your consent is required by applicable law.
Any reference in these terms to “we”, “us” and “our” is a reference to istyle and our Affiliates and any reference in these terms to “you” and “your” is a reference to customers and members of the @cosme Membership Program and our Affiliates.
Please read this Privacy Statement carefully to understand how your personal data will be handled by us.

1.5 The personal data supplied by you are required for us to provide the Services to you as customers as well as the operation of the @cosme Membership Program, any other schemes or privilege(s) which istyle may from time to time obtain from or arrange with our business partners in joint promotion for the benefit of the members. Failure to supply personal data may result in istyle being unable to provide you with our products or services (including registering you as member).

1.6 By providing us your personal data, you are accepting the terms of this Privacy Statement and consenting to our collection, retention, disclosure and use of your personal data, including transfer of your personal data overseas, as specified in this Privacy Statement. We will only use and transfer your data for direct marketing purposes strictly in accordance with the conditions as specified in paragraph 5 of this Privacy Statement.

2. Language of this Privacy Statement
This Privacy Statement is also available in the Malay version. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

3.Collection of Personal Data

3.1 In order for you to enjoy our various products and services (including registering for membership of the Services, registering to attend any of our activities, events, participating in our interactive services or in any way communicating with us), it is necessary for you to provide us with certain personal data as indicated at the time of collection. We may also ask for other information which helps us to offer your tailored products and services that we think may be of interest to you. The types of personal data we may collect from you include:
The types of personal data we may collect from you include:(i) your name;
(ii) your telephone number;
(iii) your address;
(iv) your password;
(v) your birthday;
(vi) your email address;
(vii) records and history of your past beauty treatments (including counseling or consultation) and any other relevant information relating to your skin conditions; and
(viii) details about your membership points of the istyle Membership Program.

3.2 The types of personal data that we collect from you as stated in paragraph 3.1 will depend on the nature of your dealings with us. We may collect your personal data in the following situations:
(i) registration for membership;
(ii) registration for any sales, marketing or promotion activities or benefits;
(iii) purchasing products and services from us or use products or services provided by us;
(iv) communication between us; or
(v) using the social media platform (e.g. Facebook) belonging to us, Services operated by our Affiliates or our business partners in joint promotion activities or events.

3.3 You agree to provide to istyle your personal data voluntarily. If you are under the age of 18, please do not provide us your personal data. If you are a parent or guardian of a minor (under the age of 18) you hereby consent to the use of the personal data of the minor under your care.

4. Use of personal data

4.1 You agree that all the personal data provided to istyle (including all information relating to the use of your membership card of the istyle Membership Program (if you are a member) may be collected, retained and used by istyle for the following purposes:
(i) processing your application for membership;
(ii) management, operation and maintenance of our membership management system or any programs run by us alone or jointly with our Affiliates or business partners in any sales, marketing, promotional activities or events;
(iii) verifying your identity;
(iv) verifying your eligibility to join as member of the istyle Membership Program or participate in any programs run by us in sales, marketing, promotion activities or events;
(v) daily operation of the Services provided to you, including sending you sales, marketing and promotional materials;
(vi) communication of news and information by istyle to you;
(vii) providing you with rewards, birthday promotions, vouchers or services under any of our sales, marketing, promotional activities or events, including sending you such sales, marketing and promotional materials, and event information;
(viii) conducting joint sales, marketing or promotional events with our Affiliates or business partners, including sending you sales, marketing and promotional materials;
(ix) providing you with customer service and responding to your queries, feedback or claim;
(x) performing ongoing market research or statistical analysis in order to improve our products and services and for sales, marketing and promotional purposes;
(xi) facilitating the issues of benefits to you;
(xii) providing you with an identification means for the @cosme Membership Program;
(xiii) making such disclosures as required by law; and
(xiv) acting in compliance with this Privacy Statement or other relevant laws.

4.2 You further acknowledge, agree and authorize us that istyle may retain and store your personal data you provided in the premises of istyle, in one or more databases of istyle, in both hard copy and softcopy format, and to provide, disclose and transfer your personal data (whether within Hong Kong or abroad) to the following parties for the purposes as set out in paragraph 4.1 above:
(i) any third party service providers (including our business partners in joint promotion activities or events), their agents and contractors, who provide administrative, telecommunications, information technology system, payment, printing or other services to istyle in connection with the operating of its business including providing products and service to you;
(ii) any authorized employees or department of istyle or its Affiliates which deals with provision of membership services of the @cosme Membership Program;
(iii) anyone that istyle has to make disclosure to in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws, administrative policies or regulations, including without limitation our professional advisers, law enforcement agencies, insurers, government and regulatory bodies.

5. Marketing materials
As noted above, istyle intends to use your name, contact details and month and year of birth to send you sales, marketing and promotional materials and information regarding our products and services offered by istyle and/or our Affiliates and/or our business partners in joint promotion activities or events: supermarket goods, electronic goods, beauty salons, health care products, fashion, accessories, clothing, leather goods, shoes, watch, jewelry, health care, hair, beauty and cosmetics, food and beverage, entertainment, transportation, travel and hotels, shopping malls, credit cards, telecommunications, banking, fitness centres, books and personal care. In no circumstance we will use your personal data for direct marketing unless we have received your consent. istyle must obtain consent from you before doing so. You may choose not to receive such communications or opt out from receiving such communications at any time by the following means:
(i) ticking in the appropriate box in the application form when you are applying for membership;
(ii) where you have changed your mind after you become a member, by following the steps stipulated in the application form;
(iii) sending us an opt out message either by post or email and addressed to:

Postal address: 3/f, No. 81, Section 2, Nan Zhang Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei, Taiwan

Email address: support@cosme-hk.zendesk.com

(iv) by calling our hotline at 3468 3072

6. Security of Personal Data

6.1 All reasonable efforts are made to ensure that any personal data held by us is stored in a secure and safe premises, and accessed only by our authorized employees or authorized third party service providers or business partners.
6.2 istyle will use various security technologies and procedures to protect any personal data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. istyle will take all practical and feasible measures to ensure any personal data collected will not be intercepted by any unauthorized third party. Nevertheless, you should be aware that no system is impenetrable and no information provided over the Internet or any telecommunication networks can be guaranteed to be completely secure. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that you transmit to us or receive from us over the Internet or any telecommunication networks.

7. Use of Cookies

7.1 We may use cookies and similar technologies to collect data about you when you visit the istyle’s Service operated by istyle. Cookies are files that store information on your computer hard drive or browser that mean that we can recognize that you have visited such service before.

7.2 You may disallow cookies by adjusting the settings of your browser. However, by disabling cookies you may not be able to access all parts of the service.

8. Links to Third Parties’ Service
You may from time to time have to access third parties’ Services in order to enjoy the goods and services provided by us or our business partners in joint promotion activities or events. istyle shall not be responsible for the contents on such web pages or how information is collected therefrom. The privacy statements of these Services may not be the same as istyle and you are advised to read and understand their privacy policy before you submit any information to them.

9.Data access and Correction

9.1 You have the right to, at any time, request access to, make a copy of, and request us to make correction of, or demand the cessation of the continued collection, processing and use, or to delete your personal data held by us.

9.2 If you have any questions or complaints regarding this Privacy Statement or if you wish to exercise any of your rights under paragraph 9.1, you may send your request either by post or email and addressed to:

Postal address: 3/f, No. 81, Section 2, Nan Zhang Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei, Taiwan

Email address : support@cosme-hk.zendesk.com

In addition to posting and email, you may also call our hotline at 3468 3072

9.3 We reserve the right to charge you a reasonable fee for complying with your access request as permitted under applicable law.

istyle Inc.
Released on September 26th, 2019

© 2025 istyle Inc.