sscxy A醇緊緻修護精華 心得評價
一直很想使用A醇產品來抗老,但一直怕會有脫皮或皮膚 不適的狀況。這一枝A醇 緊致修護精華是偏向溫和的,我看到他標明不含刺激性 ,適合初用者就非常感興趣。
I have always wanted to use Retinol products for anti-aging, but I'm afraid of peeling or skin discomfort. This Retinol Correcting Serum is on the mild side . I was very interested when I saw that it said it was non-irritating and suitable for first time users.
產品的包裝很有趣, 把產品的使用說明和成份印在瓶子上面,非常有文青感。
The packaging of the product is interesting. The instructions and ingredients of the product are printed on the bottle, which is very literary and youthful.

他的質地非常容易推開,擦在面上很快就吸收了,沒有特別氣味, 後續記得要用保濕產品哦。我使用後的隔天一定會用防曬產品以防變黑。建議初用者頭兩星期隔一天或兩天使用,之後沒有問題才每晚使用。
Its texture is very easy to spread, and it is quickly absorbed when applied to the face. It has no special smell. Remember to use moisturizing products after use. I will definitely use sunscreen the next day after use to prevent darkening. It is recommended that first-time users use it every other day or two for the first two weeks, and then use it every night if there is no problem.
我試用兩個星期多的感想是果然偏向溫和,沒有太多脫皮的狀況。 最大感受是 ,肉眼可見的 毛孔 變得幾乎看不到 ,感覺毛孔少了一大半, 皮膚看起來變得細緻。
My impression after trying it for more than two weeks is that it is mild and there is not much peeling. The biggest feeling is that the pores have become almost invisible. It feels like more than half of the pores have been reduced, and the skin looks more delicate.
If this is the first time you want to try retinol, it is highly recommended to use it. It is gentle and effective.
I have always wanted to use Retinol products for anti-aging, but I'm afraid of peeling or skin discomfort. This Retinol Correcting Serum is on the mild side . I was very interested when I saw that it said it was non-irritating and suitable for first time users.

The packaging of the product is interesting. The instructions and ingredients of the product are printed on the bottle, which is very literary and youthful.

Its texture is very easy to spread, and it is quickly absorbed when applied to the face. It has no special smell. Remember to use moisturizing products after use. I will definitely use sunscreen the next day after use to prevent darkening. It is recommended that first-time users use it every other day or two for the first two weeks, and then use it every night if there is no problem.
我試用兩個星期多的感想是果然偏向溫和,沒有太多脫皮的狀況。 最大感受是 ,肉眼可見的 毛孔 變得幾乎看不到 ,感覺毛孔少了一大半, 皮膚看起來變得細緻。
My impression after trying it for more than two weeks is that it is mild and there is not much peeling. The biggest feeling is that the pores have become almost invisible. It feels like more than half of the pores have been reduced, and the skin looks more delicate.
If this is the first time you want to try retinol, it is highly recommended to use it. It is gentle and effective.
