Kai 貝印 好用推薦產品
Kai 貝印 彩妝・保養工具 推薦產品一覽 4 件
FW好用推薦:This is the bestest brow scissors in the whole wide world! The little comb works amazingly and would not let you have a single chance to make a mistake!! This is perfect for beginners who tries to trim the brow themselves!!
<看全文>Kylieee好用推薦:好少見到有眉毛剪, 一直用開貝印嘅眉毛剃刀 所以都買左呢個黎用 但唔知係咪我唔識用定點? 硬係好難剪到想剪嘅位置 最後棄置左~